Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Hundredth Queen, Emily King

The Hundredth Queen by Emily R. King is a free book I picked up for the Kindle.  It was a long time ago and I don't know why I thought it would be good.

Started: 4/20/2018
Completed: 5/5/2018
Recommendation: Recommended
Recommended By:  Nobody

Words for which I sought help:

khanda -- a double-edged straight sword.  An emblem of Sikhism.


This is not a well written book, but so few are.  This is, however, a really enjoyable book.  A story of a princess who rescues herself is always fun.  I enjoyed the book and I enjoyed the premise.  I look forward to paying for and reading the sequels.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Antifragile, Nassim Taleb

Antifragile:  Things That Gain From Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a book that I picked up from the library on audio to hear during my commute.  I have one of his other books sitting on my shelf and I heard on NPR that this one should be read first, so, there you go.

Started: 4/3/2018
Completed: 5/2/2018
Recommended By:  Nobody
Recommendation: Recommended


Antifragile is the opposite of fragile.  Fragile means that something breaks easily and is not useful after it is broken.  Antifragile means that something gets stronger under disruption.  So, if you marked a box "Fragile" you would want it to be handled with care, not jostled, and identify that the object inside could be ruined if this care was not provided.  If you marked a box "AntiFragile" then it should be handled roughly, jostled, and the item within would get better if this care was provided.  It is kind of hard to imagine such a thing, but things that meet this criteria abound around us, particularly in nature.  This is an extensive text that does not lend itself to full analysis in a paragraph.

The basic concept is pretty simple, but the implications are significant.  I am still working to understand the implications, particularly with regard to risk analysis.  In the end, I'm trying to keep track of opportunities with little downside, but huge upside.