Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey is a novel that was nominated for the Hugo Awards.
Completed: 9/30/2021
Recommendation: Not Recommended
Recommended By: Hugo Awards
At base, this is a puppy love story. The story opens, however, with a hanging of the protagonist's girlfriend. The hanging leads to the protagonist running off to be a librarian (that part was funny and clever) in a dystopian future that looks kind of like the 1830s. Beyond that, the hanging largely loses its significance and the protagonist falls in love with the next lesbian (non-gender binary, so, I don't pretend to know the correct term, but I went with lesbian to indicate that "they" are a "she" when in town) she meets. I just didn't buy it and found it hard to be caught by any of the characters. I think it would have been a stronger book as an 1830s Western with an odd group of all female cowboys/vigilantes. Aside from the initial laugh, I'm not sure that the whole librarian concept brought much to the game (of course, the librarians are hugely subversive under a façade of "uprightness").