Thursday, May 16, 2024

Good Material, Dolly Alderton


Good Material by Dolly Alderton

Started: May 12, 2024
Completed: May 16, 2024
Recommendation: Highly Recommended
Recommended By: Nobody


This book is rife with humor.  That is what kept me reading because the subject matter (basically one long recovery from a break-up) is brutal.  "35 is the youth of middle age" states the protagonist who has an oddly Pollyanna view in the moment.  This shows the cleverness, the humor, and the bleak inability to face reality of the protagonist and it helps explain the long break-up (which his partner also endures in her own way).  I truly enjoyed the book and it makes me wonder if I have held back my wife in some of the casually uncaring ways that men are portrayed.  I hope not.  This book also suggests how people can see one another in a light which is not truly objective reality, but is an effort to see the real person and appreciate that person for who they are.  What a great book.

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