Monday, July 22, 2024

Table for Two, Amor Towles


Table for Two by Amor Towles

Started: July 16, 2024
Completed: July 22, 2024
Recommendation:  Mild Recommendation
Recommended By: my father

Words for which I sought help:

elan -- energy, style, and enthusiasm


I am not fond of short stories and have read very few since Harlan Ellison died.  I did not realize that this was a collection of short stories and while the transitions felt abrupt going from one to the other, it wasn't until the third that I realized these were short stories and that the characters were not going to reappear.  One of the side effects of listening to a book instead of reading it, I guess.  Without my father's recommendation, I doubt I would have picked up this book even though I have enjoyed Towles' novels in general.  I find it hard to recommend this book as the stories are not what I was expecting when I started and so felt abrupt, incomplete, and broadly dissatisfying.  The novella at the end was a bit of a mystery and Towles did a pretty good job of surprising me, but I didn't enjoy it a lot.

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