Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Safekeep by Yael Van Der Wouden


The Safekeep by Yael Van Der Wouden

Started: July 14, 2024
Completed: July 16, 2024
Recommendation: Recommended
Recommended By: This just kept showing up in my feed, so I had to give it a look


The symbolism of the pear on the front cover is going to be lost until about half way through this book.  After that, it is s a pretty cool cover.  I am having trouble classifying this book as either literature or romance.  This is not a Harlequin romance, more of a Bronte romance, but it feels like the romance is so central to the book that to not include it is a bad idea.  Van Der Wouden uses some of the basic tools of a romance (a diary for example), but tips in enough of the dramatic (the huge dramatic piece is a spoiler, but it is so obvious when it arrives as a large part of the dramatic element, that anyone who reads this book will instantly pick it up) to make it less of a romance and more of a drama.  I dunno.  Still kind of stumped as to how to look at it.  Back to the romance side of things, the sex is pretty explicit so if that is an issue for you, then this book is not for you.  I enjoyed the book and whipped through it, but it is worth noting that there is plenty of depth, with characters seeming to be slippery and morphing on the page.  At no point was this book humorous.

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