Friday, July 12, 2024

Tinkers, Paul Harding


Tinkers by Paul Harding

Started: July 3, 2024
Completed: July 11, 2024
Recommendation: Mild recommendation
Recommended By: I think I found this on the Pulitzer list

Words for which I sought help:

Claptrap — absurd or nonsense talk or ideas

Clepsydra — an ancient time-measuring device worked by a flow of water

Craquelure — a network of fine cracks in the paint or varnish of a painting

Creel — a wicker basket for carrying fish

Vesation — a renewal or purification through the burning away or destruction of evil attributes


This is a very odd book.  The closest I can come to some sort of analogy is Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, yet this is much more approachable (it is in plain English).  All the same, it is a series of vignettes that are disjoint with intermittent sort of poetry definitions.  Very odd.  The descriptive writing is very good, but the narrative is so broken up that it requires concentration to follow.  I still cannot decide what I fully think of this book and I think it will haunt me.

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