Friday, August 16, 2024

Autocracy, Inc., Anne Applebaum


Autocracy, Inc.:  The dictators who want to run the world by Anne Applebaum

Started: August 15, 2024
Completed: August 16, 2024
Recommendation: Highly recommended
Recommended By: Nobody


This is a quick wallow into the world of autocrats.  It is, as one might imagine, slimy.  Autocrats do not hide in the shadows.  They are big, bold, and literally attacking democracies on many fronts.  This quick read offers a good flavor of autocratic behavior without getting caught up in the details of each dictator.  Rather, the book looks at what they have in common, how they support one another, and what democracies can do to defend and go on the offensive.  The steps are pretty obvious and can be summed up with:  Do Not Tolerate Corruption.  That goes a long way and it is amazing the many little ways that democracies do, indeed, tolerate corruption.  We must stop!

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