Saturday, August 17, 2024

Language Myths, Bauer and Trudgill


Language Myths edited by Laurie Bauer and Peter Trudgill is a book I picked up when I was trying to better understand how language worked and has slowly worked its way to the top of the pile.

Started: July 31, 2024
Completed: DNF
Recommendation: Not Recommended
Recommended By: Nobody


This has nothing to do with how language works.  It seems to be a collection of essays by language experts who are slamming people who have bad opinions.  Nothing wrong with that in principal, I kind of like hearing what experts consider silliness.  I'm just not that into language.  I don't care if people say French is more "logical" than any other language.  I don't care if a language is considered "dying" because it does not support words for technical physics.  None of what they were talking about mattered to me, so I stopped reading it.

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