Sunday, August 18, 2024

Say More, Jen Psaki


Say More:  Lessons from work, the white house, and the world by Jen Psaki

Started: August 16, 2024
Completed: August 18, 2024
Recommendation: Highly Recommended
Recommended By: Nobody, I really enjoyed her press conferences


Psaki was such a breath of fresh air in the White House briefing room, I simply cannot describe how important her appearance there was.  In addition, her deft handling of Steve Doocy was wonderful.  I was so very impressed that when I read she had a book coming, I immediately put in for it at the library (after about 45 other people had already had the same idea).  Her quick little book is approachable and focuses on communications strategy using vignettes from her time at the white house, state department, and home.  I enjoyed it though I have no plans to become an interviewer or do press relations. 

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